What are the steps to change the brightness level of LEDs on the Orbi outdoor satellite?
Netgear Orbi wifi system provides unrivaled network performance. You will get seamless coverage and consistent Wifi in every corner of your home. If you’re already using the Orbi router and the satellite and looking to change the brightness of the satellite’s LEDs, then this post is a must-read for you. Here, we provide stepwise instructions to set the intensity level of your satellite’s LEDs along with Orbi outdoor satellite setup steps.

Steps to change the brightness level of Orbi satellite’s LEDs
- The first and foremost step is to connect the Orbi router to the modem using the Ethernet cable.
- After that, place the Orbi satellite at a central location and then sync it with the Orbi wifi router.
- Press the sync button on the Orbi router and within a minute, press the sync button on the Orbi satellite.
- If the orbi outdoor satellite not syncing with the router unit, you need to reset the satellite to the factory defaults.
- Now, take another Ethernet cable and connect it from the Orbi router to your computer system.
- Then turn on your modem, Orbi router and the satellite, and your PC as well.
- Next, navigate to your PC and launch any browser such as Chrome, Mozilla, etc.
- Now, type orbilogin.com or orbilogin.net in the browser’s address field. Press Enter.
- It will redirect you to the Netgear Orbi login page where you will have to enter the router’s default admin details such as username and password. Click on Login.
- Afterward, select the Attached Devices option from the Basic menu.
- Now, choose your outdoor satellite from the available list of the devices, and then click on the Edit.
- You need to ensure that the LEDs on the Orbi satellite are turned on.
- If the satellite’s LEDs are off, turn them On using the LED On/Off slider.
- Next, change the brightness level of the LEDs under the LED Brightness tab.
- You can increase or decrease the percentage of the brightness using the % option as per your need.
- Once done, save the settings by clicking on the Apply tab.
Still the Orbi outdoor satellite not syncing with the router? Contact our team of experts on the toll-free number and get assistance with the Orbi outdoor satellite setup.
With the steps provided in the post, you can increase or decrease the intensity level of the LEDs on the Orbi satellite. If you again need to change the brightness level, reset the satellite to the factory defaults and repeat the procedure. For further assistance with the Netgear Orbi login & setup, get in touch with our technical team on the helpline number. If you have any queries related to this topic, you can ask our technical executives through a live chat window.